Category 2 and 3 fires are currently prohibited within the District of Taylor and Peace Island Park. For more information on current bans please visit the Province of BC Website.

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The District of Taylor is collaborating with the Peace River Regional District, the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality, and other member communities to ensure we’re meeting the requirements of the provincial Accessible BC Act.

Accessibility needs exist regardless of municipal boundaries, and by working together, we have an opportunity to build efficiencies throughout the region and create an integrated approach to accessibility.​



This Accessibility Plan was created by municipalities across Northeastern BC, including the District of Taylor, to support collaborative and efficient efforts to improve accessibility. Working together provides a unique opportunity to share resources, knowledge, and build collective skills. It also helps community members to have reliable access across the region.

Accessibility for people with disabilities is a shared responsibility. There are many layers to accessibility, such as physical accessibility, accessible information and technology, social and cultural inclusion, environments that are safe and inclusive, and more. Ensuring that our communities are accessible requires knowledge building and application of that knowledge in many different aspects of our society.


We believe that accessibility is more important than geographic boundaries and individual goals. That is why we have come together to develop the Accessibility Plan.

Taking a collaborative approach to accessibility amongst local governments in Northeastern BC is a promising opportunity to increase connectedness amongst communities and improve outcomes for people with disabilities across the region. Together, the local governments of Northeastern BC have created a shared vision, priorities for action, and an initial set of goals. We have also established a shared Collaborative Accessibility Committee to support this work.



The Northeastern BC Collaborative Accessibility Committee (the Committee) is tasked with providing a consistent approach to accessibility for people with disabilities living, working, and exploring Northeastern BC.

The Committee was created to assist partnering organizations to implement requirements of the Accessible British Columbia Act. A regional approach was selected to foster collaboration and cooperation, sharing, and pooling of resources, and avoid duplication of work.

The Committee is comprised of staff representatives from nine member communities as well as people living in the region that have disabilities and/or work with organizations that serve people with disabilities.

The purpose of the Committee is to:

  • Provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting people with all types of disabilities in the region;
  • Inform local governments on accessibility issues and solutions in the region and make recommendations for improving accessibility in communities;
  • Identify accessibility barriers in the region and solutions to address them;
  • Review and provide input on community plans, actions, designs, and so forth, with an accessibility lens; and
  • Organize and/or participate in relevant community events or awareness activities wherever possible.


More than one in five Canadians over the age of 15 identifies as having a disability, according to the 2017 Census. Often disabilities prevent people from fully participating in society due to entrenched barriers.

The Accessible BC Act (2021) is Provincial legislation that sets out a path for British Columbia to become accessible. The Act recognizes the shared responsibility by creating requirements, not just for provincial services, but also for public and civic services within the province. More than 750 types of organizations have been prescribed to work towards accessibility by creating accessibility plans, establishing accessibility committees, and receiving feedback on how accessible their organizations are. Prescribed organizations include educational services, local governments, municipal police and emergency services, libraries, health authorities and more. This Northeastern BC Accessibility Plan is part of meeting these new requirements.



Do you have questions, ideas, or feedback on how to improve accessibility in the District of Taylor? Contact us at:


Phone: 250-789-2828